Friday, June 12, 2009

The Fashion Of Nerdom

Hello....yes, I have not blogged in a while. I had much better things to do than spend my time entertaining my mind peons (that would be you....peon is much nicer than slave, don't cha think? {yes, master}) Actually, I haven't had much better things to do, but that's quite beside the point. In fact, pretty much the only bloggable thing I did during my lengthy absence has been to discover a sense of style, one beyond "whatever's comfy". 
You heard correctly, the music hating and poorly dressed nerd who you met at the beginning of our adventure through the magical world of blogging (where unicorns and lemon scented bunnies abound) has, perhaps through the power of grape flavored bubbles or said unicorns, both filled an ipod and a closet. WAIT! Don't panic and think I went all runway on you. Remember my taste in music. Remember my inherent nerdiness. Look at the picture, for goodness sake! Yes, I am wearing neon blue pants, an oversized pink sweater, and a shirt with the pope on it (in pink!)...what else did you expect...hmmm?! I would NEVER abandon my ideals (and thrashed black converse with DFTBA scrawled on the on them in multiple places) just to be stylish! No, my new fashion is more of a ME fashion, one that involves granny glasses and non matching clothes, shirts that ask "what's up home skillet?" and feature everyone's favorite kitchen friend (you don't befriend skillets? How dare you?!) . SO don't worry...even though getting dressed takes longer than five seconds now, and I actually care about clothes, this change has actually made me MORE nerd-tastic (if that was even possible) Have fun, lesser peoples!!! (just kidding, I love you, little mind slaves)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Okay, there's been a lot of drama lately, which is why I haven't been posting. If you are easily bored, please skip to the next paragraph. I'll be really quick with this update part, and get onto the juicy-like-the-inside-of-a-juicebox part soon. First of all, I've hit 350 pages with EC:NW! Font changes rock my world. (They should rock yours too, mind slaves!) Second, I found this really great forum on FP-Break Writer's Block (it actually prevents me from writing, but whatever). Third, my mom finally gave Kim (is that her code name?) from carpool a good lecturing. (Thank you, parental unit!) However, none of this news, super exciting as it is, can overshadow what happened next: (dundundunduh!) SWINE FLU!!!
Yes yes, I understand the insane panic that has been brought on by the creepily smiling and caffeine crazed media is only slightly entertaining, and that the needless freakouts of millions are actually quite tragic, and that it was all a plot by the news to make money (well, not that last one, but you need some conspiracy theory soup to get through the day...well, I really don't?). But here's the thing" SWINE FLU SETS ME OFF  MORE THAN IF I WERE A COW AND FARMER BOB GOT THE BRIGHT IDEA OF SPREADING FOOD ON THE ELECTRIC FENCE! Yes, that upset, including the capitals. 
Here's why:
Recently, rumors have been flying around that my school, which has had record absences recently,  has had "over twenty" cases of ole H1N1. I knew that (duuuuuh) this was a HUGE exaggeration, but we got cute little nicknames, like Flu-y-ville, so I let it slide and basked in the panic. (twisted little demon, aren't I?) Then, we had the announcement. 
There I was, zoning out in homeroom, as usual, when the PA started up with it's usual annoying-yet-awesome random music (I think it was 'C is for Cookie', that day). I pricked up my ears, not wanting to miss anything important, like GASP another bake sale (I really think they should announce when we DON'T have a bake sale. We seriously have one every day, which is good, except when it's the Explorers club with their organic vegan [bleh] brownies) But instead, I heard a more serious announcement.
"Hey girls! TOday, we are going to have a special presentation by the health department!"
(How on earth could such a boring message be delivered with such pep? Answer: caffeine, just like the newscasters use.)
Amid the half groans of my prisonmates, I file out to the freshman lawn, where we were met by this miniscule lady from the health department. Seriously, this woman was more than petite. She had to stand on a bench so we could see, and she was wearing 5 inch heels! Anyway, after a little introduction, where she acted like we were three and asked if we knew what germ were (itty bitty buggy thingies that make you feel sick(y?), apparently) Then, she cut to the chase, we had swine at school!
The noise was deafening. There were most people, asking panicked questions or screaming, and the freaks like me, who cheered. (This means 14 days out of school! ) BEfore you call me evil, understand that I knew that the swine flu wasn't much worse than the regular flu, because I had this gadget called the internet, with which I had looked up this amazing invention called 'scientific research'. So, I knew we shouldn't worry, but I was counting on panicpower to give us a little time off. 
Then, she dropped the bombshell: we weren't getting off school. This was such a disappointment that I barely had time to relish the screams of terror emitting from my shocked classmates. WHAT!?! Why couldn't they shut down school, THEN figure out swine wasn't too bad? WHY WHY WHY? Gosh, that darn health department does things just to annoy me. AFter that, I endured a lecture on coughing, then went back to class. D; 
The light in the storm: one of the most annoying teachers freaked out and won't be back until next week! AND I only have 14  schooldays until finals!!! (Which I actually enjoy taking)

Until next time, stay swine free and gorgeous, mind slaves!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Social Stereotypes

Okay, this post is semi-serious (read: slightly unfunny) But, as my mind slaves, you have to read it. (Sometimes I wonder: Do my mind slaves really exist, or are you all merely projections of my egotistical mind? Do most of  the scarce commenters never return? Have all of my posts even been read? Ah, well, I prefer to live in delusion.)
OOOOKKKAAAYYY, now that that freaky tangent is over, I'll have a short little plug-a-palooza before we start. Ready? GO to my fictionpress (Everwind Master). GO to my youtube (Chicgeek94). CLICK on all those ads you see (I will give you an invisible cookie). PET a squirrel!

Now that you've been brainwashed and have done that, I'll get to my real point. (Hint: see the title of this post) I know all of you know that I know that everyone knows what social stereotypes are, but in case you've always lived in a non-see through, sound proof bubble all your life, I'll tell you. They are labels: Prep, Jock, Nerd, Goth, Emo, Punk, Drama geek, ect. Did you really think I'd list all twenty million of them? Anyway....they stink. I don't know (and I mean KNOW, not just on the surface) a single human being that really fits in one group. Okay, maybe I do (I just remembered some.) But my point is, plenty of people aren't part of just one clique. (Yes, I know this sounds hypocritical, I'll address that in a moment.) Take me for example. I know that I self label as a nerd, but I'm not completely a nerd. I have strong nerdy tendencies, and I hang out with lots and lots of nerds, but I have a non-nerdy side. Sure, I wear glasses, and get good grades, and stink at sports, and love reading with a passion, but I'm 100% SURE that I'm not a 100% nerd. Honestly, I've seen real full fledged nerds (most are in denial. They are some of my best friends. I won't tell anyone which of them I consider nerdy.) and ain't one of them. (Did I honestly just type ain't?) (Wow, this post is going nowhere, it has no would be an F if it was an essay. ) Anyhow, I wanted to know something (COMMENT) Do you think I'm a nerd? What do you consider me to be? What do you consider yourself to be? Doesn't this sociological phenomena of sorting people into groups fascinate you? Does it annoy you? Do you ever try to discover the distinguishing features of each group, only to find that they vary in the mind of each individual? Well, let me know! Comment, discuss! GO!

Zit Karma

I'm home sick today, so no CCQ
First, a note for all people who read and don't comment. Those who comment may skip this paragraph. Starting...NOW!
Hello lovely child! You read but don't comment, right? I see. I have a great idea! With all that time and energy you save by not commenting, you'll be able to fit a very fulfilling new exercise into your day. Here's what I suggest: Don your most stylish black clothes (It's very flattening). Then, wait until nighttime and take a nice moonlit stroll near your local road. Don't bring a flashlight, it might block the beautiful headlights. Remember- sidewalks are for squares! Have you decided to comment now? Fantastic, you're back to being a good little mind slave*.
Okay, now that we've rid ourselves of those pesky little rebels, we can get on with the topic of the day: zit karma. Yes, I know the real definition of karma, and that it is nothing like what I'm describing, but we can pretend, can't we? (read: you WILL pretend, mind slaves, master commands it!) Recently I have discovered a clever piece of magic that I call zit karma. This is how it went down:
I, being a teenager, have recently begun to aquire those nasty little nuggets of facial irritation known fondly as zits. I don't really enjoy sharing my face with these crusty red buggers, but I've resolved to let them stay a while, rent-free. For all those wondering why, it's because the diminutive demons won't go away, even when I ask nicely! (Hey, it works with slow computers. You should try it sometime. Repeat after me: Nice computer, you can do it! Yay, you CAN load the page! Please!!!) But those rude zits don't know good manners when they see them, and they refused to leave. I also tried those zit creams and acne washes, but they only make the scarlet terrorists angry.  I can picture them talking, in their little zit language:
Hey Julia tried to exfoliate us!
Ew, cream! What is she trying to do?
I think she's trying to kick us out!
No fair! Let's get back at her!
Hey, call your friends, let's build an army on Julia's nose!
I call her forehead.
Let's show her what t-zone really stands for!
TROUBLE (that starts with t which rhymes with p and that stands for pool!)**
So, as I was saying, I gave up. Then (this is where the karma comes in), my mom started making mean little teasing comments. Did she really need to point out the zits? NO! (Her: "Hmm, I wonder if Julia notices the enormous red volcano in the middle of her face? NAH! I'd better point it out. Multiple times, in case she forgets") I was just beginning to get a teensey but annoyed with this when something magical happened. My mom pointed out a zit on my forehead. An hour later, Mommy has an even bigger zit on  HER forehead! The same thing with her nose, chin, and cheek. By the end of the day, mommy's face is a perfect map of Julia's*** zits, but way bigger. Yay zit karma!!!
There are two beautiful morals to this story. (Who knew you'd learn so much?) 1. Never, ever, point out a zit, unless you want a matching one. 2. If you have a zit, trick someone into pointing it out so you can secretly giggle at their huger one! (Moral 2 is more important!) Farewell for now, mind slaves!
* If you're wondering anything at this point, read the first entry
**sorry, I couldn't help myself
***I don't know why this is in third person, btw

Monday, April 20, 2009

Vacation has Ended, Carpool Returns!

Today is a sad, sad day. Spring vacation has finally ended, and school has started again. Hey! It's 110 degrees!!! Why are we in school???? In the words of my dear Mr. C., "They should just stop school at a certain temperature." Now, after a not so productive but semi-peaceful spring break, I'm back to the woe that is high school. (read : stress!!!) I don't really mind the homework, or the stifling hot blazer/ knee sock/polyester combination that is dress uniform, but there is one thing about the end of break that I cannot live with: CARPOOL!!!
Now don't get me wrong, I love helping the environment (it's Earth month, people!), but these girls are IMPOSSIBLE to drive with!!! Here's the backstory: My carpool consists of five 10th graders and two freshmen. I'll use code names here. First, the 10th graders- Kim is a huge brat who has this laugh that grates upon my very soul. Plus she's really really mean. BTW, she's an ubershort cheerleader. Nancy is nice, but she hardly ever comes (except in mornings), because of sports. Hannah is quiet, but Kim spends the entire 30 MINUTE trip making snide comments about her. Kelly is a bit weird (not in a good way, mind you), but I don't really care since she's only there mornings. Cristy is in the same boat as Hannah. Amy is almost as annoying as Kim, but a trifle less annoying.  Amy and Kim are rich, spoiled "lovely children". (Ex: Kim is on her . The other 9th grader, Kristen, is okay, though she has a HUGE rivalry with Kim. (You'd think they were 3!)
I could ignore Kim (I'm quite good at spacing out, if I do say so myself), but for one thing. She insists that the sophmores (all under five foot, mind you) sit up front, while Kristen and I, both around five foot ten-ish, are squashed in the back- with their bags. I could rant all day about this one- why are the backs of suv's so tiny? why is my head touching the ceiling, even when I'm doubled over? On what planet does this make sense? Why is Hannah always in the back, too? Why don't they put their bags in the freaking trunk??? Why do they carry so much, when half of it is crap they never use? The answer: To TORTURE me!!!!
Okay, over-exaggeration, I know but still: My carpool sucks! I wish Kim would take my suggestion and try golfing in the rain. (I said this when she called me retarded for arguing that the Arts Channel's "Paranormal State" does NOT constitute scientific proof of the evidence of ghosts, and that no, it is not "completely unedited, even the boring parts" because an hour show spans several days!) Sorry for the off topic mini rant. Anyhoo, the reason I'm saying all this is because I'm adding a new part to this blog. I call it CCQ. (crazy/crappy/crusty/childish/curlish/ other negative 'c' adjective carpool quotes)

So,, without further ado, today's CCQ is the following, featuring Kim, Amy, and a special guest who's their friend (read they talk an awful lot about her behind her back), whom I'll call SG.
SG- I was thinking about painting my nails orange.
Amy- No, don't do orange.
Kim- Yeah, orange is soooo* tacky. How about neon pink zebra stripes! That'd be SOOOOO super cute!
Amy- OOOH, YEah!!! They'd be even better with sparkles!!!
Kim- OMG (she really said the letters) That's a GREAT idea!!! I want mine! We should soooo totally do them together.
SG- Let's go tomorrow!
HOW is orange more tacky than sparkly neon pink zebra stripes. I'm no fashion expert, but, unless I'm terribly wrong, any of the words "neon" "pink" "sparkly" and "zebra stripes" used in combination indicate immediate tackiness, right along with "bedazzled", "feathered", "sequined", "Red White and Blue" and their other notorious cousins.
* I removed multiple o's from all so's and ooh's. The real depiction would have taken multiple lines.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quotes of Wonder

PLEASE COMMENT- I live for comments!
Okay, these are random quotes from the people who make my life interesting.
She IS a lovely child -Jackie (lovely child= every cuss word you know)
We are SO room temperature! -Danielle
Mr. BIRDY!!!- Molly (code for period)
Your lines are too messy to live. Please don't thin k I support Euthanasia. -  Mrs. S. (geometry teacher).
Be the best ant you can be, girls!- Mr. C. (history teacher, when discussing Hinduism)
Mr. C, is: a) sumerian god b) that dude with the beard c)are we done yet? d) who?- Mr.C. (on history test)
Put your homework in the oven!- Mom
You got coleslaw on my phone!- me
I would, but the buildup of fluid that has flowed through my kidneys is starting to cause a not so comfortable sensation. The pressure in my bladder MUST be relieved!- a friend (yes, she did say that- I'd rather not cause embarrassment)
Yum! Zits!- (don't ask)
Is coffee that brown stuff?- that girl i  my homeroom, who was being serious and holding a Starbucks cup.
My duty is to exterminate you. You're out of control!- sister (3 yrs old, holding bucket of soapy water. I'd rather not remember the sorrow that followed)

Yes, these are wonderful quotes. Don't like them? Well, lovely child, this isn't your post now, is it?

Writing Woes

Hi, my name is Julia, and I haven’t worked on my book in six days. YES you’ve just walked into the Lazy Writers Support Group meeting. It’s not like I have the non-existent-it-was-made-up-by-people-who-can’t-write writer’s block, I just haven’t written. Every time I turn on my computer to write, I go to the internet to put on my music. While I’m on the internet, I might as well check my e-mail. Hey, the news- I could get inspiration. Oh, let’s answer a few questions on Yahoo Answers! Aww, reading the Shine blogs won’t take that long. Hmm, I haven’t checked my FictionPress in a while, I should probably leave a comment on some forum in the desperate quest for poetry reviews. OMGosh! I haven’t worked on my non-website recently (shameless plug for the new book review page)! Hey, what was I doing before? Oh yeah, writing....Wait, why is my battery dead? How long has it been, anyway? FOUR HOURS!!!???!!! It’s time for bed...I’ll write tomorrow (repeat same cycle). OOPS! I just realized that I’m wasting time right now! I’m utterly hopeless! TTFN! I’m off to write!

Boys Boys Boys

* I know I said this wouldn't read like your average diary. It still won't, I promise. This entry isn't me gushing about some "hawt" guy. It's really more of a short and pointless rant on my own cluelessness.

Okay, I’m a tad delayed when it comes to boys. All right, I’m utterly lost. I like a few boys (who I’m not stupid enough to name, even in private). Not that I want a boyfriend yet or anything, but I’d like to someday. Thing is, I’m terribly ignorant about certain female skills, like flirting. Yes, even though my mom tortured me with a flirting role play (an experience burned into my memory), I have no clue how to flirt. I’m just too shy! Hey! at least I know when someone is 

flirting with me, even if I don’t have a clue what to do about it. 

Hmm, this blog was pointless. (Maybe I should meet some archeologists? Nah, I'm too new to be dated!) {

Update on Me

Some stuff to find in this entry: Update on Math Rant, how my book is going, music, musicals (gasp),manga, books, and life in general.

Wow! Sorry I haven’t been blogging lately, but I’ve been really busy. In fact, I should probably working on one of my two history papers right now. Ah, I have the weekend. So, with Easter break coming up, I think I should bring you up to speed. 

    First of all, I did get in to Algebra II/Trig Honors!!! Yes, I know, spectacular. I just went and bugged the calculus teacher and my geometry teacher until they let me in!!!! Now, I’ll have 2 AP and 3 honors classes next year. Too bad we can’t take honors Religion or electives. AH, well, can’t get a 5.0, I guess.

    Another happy thing, I’ve reached 200 pages in Everwind! This is a big deal, because that was my goal for Easter. At this rate, I might finish the first draft by midsummer!!! The excitement is too much to stand!

    On another note, I’ve discovered several things. The first of these is music. Yes, the music hater has found some music she likes! I like a very wacked out array of stuff (see my profile). I also saw the school musical, and might be part of it next year. I know, me+singing=hard to imagine. I also discovered manga, which is like anime in book form. Super nerd, I know, but surprisingly great. As for books, I’ve fund this fantastic series called “Tunnels”. Hmm, better get back to work.

Angry Math Rant

Okay, it’s angry rant time! This rant is about math. Don’t get me wrong, I love math (see above). I love my math teacher, I have and A in geometry. This rant isn’t about math itself, it’s about me.

    Let’s start from the very beginning. When I was an 8th grader applying for high school, I was also taking an Algebra I class. I really disliked the teacher’s teaching style, and had a little trouble toward the beginning, but that’s beside the point. Anyway, because I was taking Algebra, I opted to test out of it and go directly to Geometry this year. I didn’t do fantastically on my test, so Geometry was made my only regular core class this year *gasp*. I didn’t get too upset, because I was doing very well and there were a few other freshman in the class also. 

    The problem really started when the teacher announced the test to get into Algebra II/trig honors next year. I qualified to test, which I was happy about because then I could finish all my calculus in high school rather than just one year of it. However, the class had limited spots, and honors geometry and sophmores had preferential placement. I was disappointed to learn that I had been cut from the class, and even more upset when informed that one girl had gotten in because she had done a fraction of a percent better than me in Geometry (because of extra credit). I’ll still be able to do one year of calculus, but the thing that really bugs me is that most of my friends will be in the honors class next year. I got into the AP Euro and Biology classes I wanted next year, but I’m still worried that this will hurt my GPA and my chances of getting into an Ivy League. Well, I can always hope someone will drop the class next year. See you later!

Wow, I sound like a brat, don't I? (the picture is from they sell it on great t-shirts. Go to their site, buy their stuff, don't let them sue me!)

The Future

I’d like to start off by saying that I'm not really writing all these entries today. I've been working on a blog for a while, but hadn't actually published it yet. After today, all entries will be current. Also, the picture is my school picture, and everyone looked that weird. Uniforms aren't know to be terribly flattering. 

    Now that that’s been covered, I’ll move on to the topic of the day (drumroll, please): The Future! Not the future in a sci-fi sense (though that would be utterly bomb) but my future, the goals I have. Despite what you might think from my blatant confidence on this blog, I’m actually a pretty shy and serious person. I’m not exactly popular, as you may have guessed, but I don’t let it bug me. Oh, whatever, I’ll just say it, I’m a total and complete nerd. And guess what? I’m PROUD of it! I actually enjoy being a nerd.

    Now that I’ve gone on my totally off-topic rant of the day, I’ll come back to earth (Or at least the same solar system). The future, what can I say? I’d just like to put out that I know my goals. Unlike a lot of my friends (and most people my age), I know the basic outline for what I want to do in life. Here Goes...

    Okay, my short term goals include doing very well in school, getting into college, and finishing my book (not in this order). Right now, I’m doing a decent job in all three areas, even though I missed out on getting into Algebra II/Trig Honors next year (see my angry math rant). I think I’ve finally found the cure for writer’s block (hint: it involves my playlist) and I got a 4.57 GPA during the first semester of high school. This is important to me because I’d really like to get into a very competitive school (Harvard is my current first choice).

    My long term goals are finishing the Everwind series, starting other books (I have a romantic/young adult novel called Milk and a realistic fiction about a girl from a small town in the very beginning stages right now), becoming a pediatrician, getting married, and settling down to have a family. I’m thinking that I’d like to be a stay-at-home mom, but I’ll decide when it comes to that. I guess it’s good to know what I want to do, but I’m just barely starting to be able to work towards them. Anyway, “Parting is such sweet sorrow, and so I bid farewell, until tonight becomes the morrow” (I strongly dislike the source of this quote, by the way). See you later, I’m off to go write. Wall, out.

Life as I See it

Hola gente! This is my first ever (real) blog entry, so I’m not entirely sure how it works. It’s supposed to be an online diary of some sort, right? I don’t care if the answer is no, I’m using it that way. Starting...NOW!

    Hmm, I don’t know where to start. Give me a minute...Aha!!! I’ll start by telling you that this will be like no blog you’ve ever read before (unless I’m just full of myself and I’m a pretty boring person). I may be a teen girl, but trust me, this won’t read like a teen girl’s diary. 

    Well, I already did a short intro, but how bout I go into more detail here? No? Well, I will anyway, because I’m in charge. It’s my blog!!! Let’s start with some things you really, really need to know. First off, I have a “interesting” sense of humor. Most people don’t get it. It’s a bit subtle, with a lot of sarcasm thrown in for the heck of it. For some bizarre reason completely beyond even my intellectual powers, sarcasm doesn’t translate well into writing. Here’s a rule of thumb: If what I’m saying makes any sense at all when applied to most people, I’m being serious. If it does, I'm being sarcastic. Capice? I know I’m not that hilarious, but get this: I DON”T CARE! Well, I really should get back to babysitting or writing my daily words for EC:NW, so Tata for now! Buh-bye, See you later!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Lowdown on me

Besides my great sense of humor and the amazing amount of practicality I show, even in the dreariest of situations (see picture), I have other interesting traits you might want to know about. Okay, here goes:
         My name is Julia and I'm a teenage nerd. I am an awesomely odd girl who loves to read and write.  I'm working on my first book,“Everwind Chronicles: Night Whisperer” of which I have written 233 pages (applause). My favorite food is steak. As for music, let's just say I don't like kiisFM. Mi familia consists of three brothers and a cute little sister. I am also the most spectacularly coolriffic person that you will ever meet. That pretty much sums it up.                                                                                                                                   Now that you've read that, I have you trapped with my extra special mind control powers. Muhhahaha! (evil laugh) I now command you to love the rest of the blog- no matter how weird you think it is! Have fun, mind slaves!
*Disclaimer- Julia must legally say that she are not entirely sure if she is human or alien. Any brain sucking or inability to further relate with the rest of your species is your fault for visiting Julia's blog. Julia has no liability. BYE!!!  (Those pesky lawyers)