Friday, June 12, 2009
The Fashion Of Nerdom

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Social Stereotypes

Okay, this post is semi-serious (read: slightly unfunny) But, as my mind slaves, you have to read it. (Sometimes I wonder: Do my mind slaves really exist, or are you all merely projections of my egotistical mind? Do most of the scarce commenters never return? Have all of my posts even been read? Ah, well, I prefer to live in delusion.)
Zit Karma

Monday, April 20, 2009
Vacation has Ended, Carpool Returns!

Today is a sad, sad day. Spring vacation has finally ended, and school has started again. Hey! It's 110 degrees!!! Why are we in school???? In the words of my dear Mr. C., "They should just stop school at a certain temperature." Now, after a not so productive but semi-peaceful spring break, I'm back to the woe that is high school. (read : stress!!!) I don't really mind the homework, or the stifling hot blazer/ knee sock/polyester combination that is dress uniform, but there is one thing about the end of break that I cannot live with: CARPOOL!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Quotes of Wonder

PLEASE COMMENT- I live for comments!
Writing Woes

Hi, my name is Julia, and I haven’t worked on my book in six days. YES you’ve just walked into the Lazy Writers Support Group meeting. It’s not like I have the non-existent-it-was-made-up-by-people-who-can’t-write writer’s block, I just haven’t written. Every time I turn on my computer to write, I go to the internet to put on my music. While I’m on the internet, I might as well check my e-mail. Hey, the news- I could get inspiration. Oh, let’s answer a few questions on Yahoo Answers! Aww, reading the Shine blogs won’t take that long. Hmm, I haven’t checked my FictionPress in a while, I should probably leave a comment on some forum in the desperate quest for poetry reviews. OMGosh! I haven’t worked on my non-website recently (shameless plug for the new book review page)! Hey, what was I doing before? Oh yeah, writing....Wait, why is my battery dead? How long has it been, anyway? FOUR HOURS!!!???!!! It’s time for bed...I’ll write tomorrow (repeat same cycle). OOPS! I just realized that I’m wasting time right now! I’m utterly hopeless! TTFN! I’m off to write!
Boys Boys Boys

* I know I said this wouldn't read like your average diary. It still won't, I promise. This entry isn't me gushing about some "hawt" guy. It's really more of a short and pointless rant on my own cluelessness.
Okay, I’m a tad delayed when it comes to boys. All right, I’m utterly lost. I like a few boys (who I’m not stupid enough to name, even in private). Not that I want a boyfriend yet or anything, but I’d like to someday. Thing is, I’m terribly ignorant about certain female skills, like flirting. Yes, even though my mom tortured me with a flirting role play (an experience burned into my memory), I have no clue how to flirt. I’m just too shy! Hey! at least I know when someone is
flirting with me, even if I don’t have a clue what to do about it.
Hmm, this blog was pointless. (Maybe I should meet some archeologists? Nah, I'm too new to be dated!) {
Update on Me

Some stuff to find in this entry: Update on Math Rant, how my book is going, music, musicals (gasp),manga, books, and life in general.
Wow! Sorry I haven’t been blogging lately, but I’ve been really busy. In fact, I should probably working on one of my two history papers right now. Ah, I have the weekend. So, with Easter break coming up, I think I should bring you up to speed.
First of all, I did get in to Algebra II/Trig Honors!!! Yes, I know, spectacular. I just went and bugged the calculus teacher and my geometry teacher until they let me in!!!! Now, I’ll have 2 AP and 3 honors classes next year. Too bad we can’t take honors Religion or electives. AH, well, can’t get a 5.0, I guess.
Another happy thing, I’ve reached 200 pages in Everwind! This is a big deal, because that was my goal for Easter. At this rate, I might finish the first draft by midsummer!!! The excitement is too much to stand!
On another note, I’ve discovered several things. The first of these is music. Yes, the music hater has found some music she likes! I like a very wacked out array of stuff (see my profile). I also saw the school musical, and might be part of it next year. I know, me+singing=hard to imagine. I also discovered manga, which is like anime in book form. Super nerd, I know, but surprisingly great. As for books, I’ve fund this fantastic series called “Tunnels”. Hmm, better get back to work.
Angry Math Rant

Okay, it’s angry rant time! This rant is about math. Don’t get me wrong, I love math (see above). I love my math teacher, I have and A in geometry. This rant isn’t about math itself, it’s about me.
Let’s start from the very beginning. When I was an 8th grader applying for high school, I was also taking an Algebra I class. I really disliked the teacher’s teaching style, and had a little trouble toward the beginning, but that’s beside the point. Anyway, because I was taking Algebra, I opted to test out of it and go directly to Geometry this year. I didn’t do fantastically on my test, so Geometry was made my only regular core class this year *gasp*. I didn’t get too upset, because I was doing very well and there were a few other freshman in the class also.
The problem really started when the teacher announced the test to get into Algebra II/trig honors next year. I qualified to test, which I was happy about because then I could finish all my calculus in high school rather than just one year of it. However, the class had limited spots, and honors geometry and sophmores had preferential placement. I was disappointed to learn that I had been cut from the class, and even more upset when informed that one girl had gotten in because she had done a fraction of a percent better than me in Geometry (because of extra credit). I’ll still be able to do one year of calculus, but the thing that really bugs me is that most of my friends will be in the honors class next year. I got into the AP Euro and Biology classes I wanted next year, but I’m still worried that this will hurt my GPA and my chances of getting into an Ivy League. Well, I can always hope someone will drop the class next year. See you later!
Wow, I sound like a brat, don't I? (the picture is from mentalfloss.com they sell it on great t-shirts. Go to their site, buy their stuff, don't let them sue me!)