Today is a sad, sad day. Spring vacation has finally ended, and school has started again. Hey! It's 110 degrees!!! Why are we in school???? In the words of my dear Mr. C., "They should just stop school at a certain temperature." Now, after a not so productive but semi-peaceful spring break, I'm back to the woe that is high school. (read : stress!!!) I don't really mind the homework, or the stifling hot blazer/ knee sock/polyester combination that is dress uniform, but there is one thing about the end of break that I cannot live with: CARPOOL!!!
Now don't get me wrong, I love helping the environment (it's Earth month, people!), but these girls are IMPOSSIBLE to drive with!!! Here's the backstory: My carpool consists of five 10th graders and two freshmen. I'll use code names here. First, the 10th graders- Kim is a huge brat who has this laugh that grates upon my very soul. Plus she's really really mean. BTW, she's an ubershort cheerleader. Nancy is nice, but she hardly ever comes (except in mornings), because of sports. Hannah is quiet, but Kim spends the entire 30 MINUTE trip making snide comments about her. Kelly is a bit weird (not in a good way, mind you), but I don't really care since she's only there mornings. Cristy is in the same boat as Hannah. Amy is almost as annoying as Kim, but a trifle less annoying. Amy and Kim are rich, spoiled "lovely children". (Ex: Kim is on her . The other 9th grader, Kristen, is okay, though she has a HUGE rivalry with Kim. (You'd think they were 3!)
I could ignore Kim (I'm quite good at spacing out, if I do say so myself), but for one thing. She insists that the sophmores (all under five foot, mind you) sit up front, while Kristen and I, both around five foot ten-ish, are squashed in the back- with their bags. I could rant all day about this one- why are the backs of suv's so tiny? why is my head touching the ceiling, even when I'm doubled over? On what planet does this make sense? Why is Hannah always in the back, too? Why don't they put their bags in the freaking trunk??? Why do they carry so much, when half of it is crap they never use? The answer: To TORTURE me!!!!
Okay, over-exaggeration, I know but still: My carpool sucks! I wish Kim would take my suggestion and try golfing in the rain. (I said this when she called me retarded for arguing that the Arts Channel's "Paranormal State" does NOT constitute scientific proof of the evidence of ghosts, and that no, it is not "completely unedited, even the boring parts" because an hour show spans several days!) Sorry for the off topic mini rant. Anyhoo, the reason I'm saying all this is because I'm adding a new part to this blog. I call it CCQ. (crazy/crappy/crusty/childish/curlish/ other negative 'c' adjective carpool quotes)
So,, without further ado, today's CCQ is the following, featuring Kim, Amy, and a special guest who's their friend (read they talk an awful lot about her behind her back), whom I'll call SG.
SG- I was thinking about painting my nails orange.
Amy- No, don't do orange.
Kim- Yeah, orange is soooo* tacky. How about neon pink zebra stripes! That'd be SOOOOO super cute!
Amy- OOOH, YEah!!! They'd be even better with sparkles!!!
Kim- OMG (she really said the letters) That's a GREAT idea!!! I want mine! We should soooo totally do them together.
SG- Let's go tomorrow!
HOW is orange more tacky than sparkly neon pink zebra stripes. I'm no fashion expert, but, unless I'm terribly wrong, any of the words "neon" "pink" "sparkly" and "zebra stripes" used in combination indicate immediate tackiness, right along with "bedazzled", "feathered", "sequined", "Red White and Blue" and their other notorious cousins.
* I removed multiple o's from all so's and ooh's. The real depiction would have taken multiple lines.
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