Hola gente! This is my first ever (real) blog entry, so I’m not entirely sure how it works. It’s supposed to be an online diary of some sort, right? I don’t care if the answer is no, I’m using it that way. Starting...NOW!
Hmm, I don’t know where to start. Give me a minute...Aha!!! I’ll start by telling you that this will be like no blog you’ve ever read before (unless I’m just full of myself and I’m a pretty boring person). I may be a teen girl, but trust me, this won’t read like a teen girl’s diary.
Well, I already did a short intro, but how bout I go into more detail here? No? Well, I will anyway, because I’m in charge. It’s my blog!!! Let’s start with some things you really, really need to know. First off, I have a “interesting” sense of humor. Most people don’t get it. It’s a bit subtle, with a lot of sarcasm thrown in for the heck of it. For some bizarre reason completely beyond even my intellectual powers, sarcasm doesn’t translate well into writing. Here’s a rule of thumb: If what I’m saying makes any sense at all when applied to most people, I’m being serious. If it does, I'm being sarcastic. Capice? I know I’m not that hilarious, but get this: I DON”T CARE! Well, I really should get back to babysitting or writing my daily words for EC:NW, so Tata for now! Buh-bye, See you later!