Sunday, April 19, 2009

Life as I See it

Hola gente! This is my first ever (real) blog entry, so I’m not entirely sure how it works. It’s supposed to be an online diary of some sort, right? I don’t care if the answer is no, I’m using it that way. Starting...NOW!

    Hmm, I don’t know where to start. Give me a minute...Aha!!! I’ll start by telling you that this will be like no blog you’ve ever read before (unless I’m just full of myself and I’m a pretty boring person). I may be a teen girl, but trust me, this won’t read like a teen girl’s diary. 

    Well, I already did a short intro, but how bout I go into more detail here? No? Well, I will anyway, because I’m in charge. It’s my blog!!! Let’s start with some things you really, really need to know. First off, I have a “interesting” sense of humor. Most people don’t get it. It’s a bit subtle, with a lot of sarcasm thrown in for the heck of it. For some bizarre reason completely beyond even my intellectual powers, sarcasm doesn’t translate well into writing. Here’s a rule of thumb: If what I’m saying makes any sense at all when applied to most people, I’m being serious. If it does, I'm being sarcastic. Capice? I know I’m not that hilarious, but get this: I DON”T CARE! Well, I really should get back to babysitting or writing my daily words for EC:NW, so Tata for now! Buh-bye, See you later!

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