You heard correctly, the music hating and poorly dressed nerd who you met at the beginning of our adventure through the magical world of blogging (where unicorns and lemon scented bunnies abound) has, perhaps through the power of grape flavored bubbles or said unicorns, both filled an ipod and a closet. WAIT! Don't panic and think I went all runway on you. Remember my taste in music. Remember my inherent nerdiness. Look at the picture, for goodness sake! Yes, I am wearing neon blue pants, an oversized pink sweater, and a shirt with the pope on it (in pink!)...what else did you expect...hmmm?! I would NEVER abandon my ideals (and thrashed black converse with DFTBA scrawled on the on them in multiple places) just to be stylish! No, my new fashion is more of a ME fashion, one that involves granny glasses and non matching clothes, shirts that ask "what's up home skillet?" and feature everyone's favorite kitchen friend (you don't befriend skillets? How dare you?!) . SO don't worry...even though getting dressed takes longer than five seconds now, and I actually care about clothes, this change has actually made me MORE nerd-tastic (if that was even possible) Have fun, lesser peoples!!! (just kidding, I love you, little mind slaves)